My Night with Dave from Road Rules
I have reached week Seven of Graduate School, and I am almost ready to say Uncle. I think this is because I am attempting to be an overachiever (I wasn't that concerned about it in college), and as a result, I don't get a lot of time to put down my thoughts. I'm just busy treading water.
When I do get out of school for other activities they are usually linked with work. My most recent non-school activity last night was having dinner with Dave from Road Rules 12 or whatever, and then making sure the crowd didn't eat him at the Public Library. Dave is cute as a button, but his hair was growing out from his last hair cut, so he wore this brown basball cap with the logo ripped off the front. I suppose this was because he didn't want to use his celebrity to sell anything from companies that weren't paying him. He chatted with our group of eight librarians (all women, you should have see our male server's reaction) while dining at Chili's, and was basically a perfect gentleman.
*sigh* Too bad he had a girlfriend. Well.. to tell you the truth, I didn't think he was intellectual enough for my taste, but he was a lot nicer to look at than some of my fellow library students.
At the library, Dave was wondering if he was going to give some kind of talk, but the screaming high school girls in the front row took care of that issue. For the next hour-plus, Dave took questions about his experiences on the show, mostly whether or not he hooked up with so-and-so, and whether Abe and the Darnell(? I should look this up like a good blogger, but I'm lazy) really fought. "They're really good friends now!" Dave kept saying, but people were more interested in the cast members who hated one another.
The other bulk of the questions came from adults who basically came for some kind of Reality Show Confessional. They wanted to know the extraneous circumstances surrounding the show, and how Dave's family reacted. Basically they wanted him to say his life was ruined and that he felt ashamed for damaging young minds by portraying a hook-up culture that didn't respect women blah blah blah. Sooooo like my home town to have TWO documentarians show up and ask technical questions, as well as things akin to, "Are you still serving the many headed monster of fame, or are you slowly realizing what a loser you really are?"
Thankfully Dave has a dual degree in business and finance, plus plenty of experience with crowds, so he was able to manage both groups wonderfully, and really really was such a charmer with the little high school and middle school girls who crowded around him afterwords. They wanted autographs on their clothes and on bookmarks supplied by the library. They also wanted photos with the "hot guy" and for those brave enough to ask, hugs. Dave complied with an unaffected geniality that made me think, "hmm, this guy is really cut out for some kind of work with children," but I'm sure he wants a job that actually makes money, so we'll see.
The academic types stuck around to try to get Dave's # from him and talk. I ended up talking to a reporter from the local news. All in all it was a good night, and I hope the library gets some great PR.
For any road rules fans out there, I'd be happy to fill you in on the details of the talk, but do it soon, because I am not wasting precious brain cells on a show that I don't watch.
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