HP5 Trailer.. the annotated version
Tired of trying to figure out what's going on in the newest HP trailer?
The Leaky Cauldron solves the problem.
Interfaith Nunnery
Where ladies of culture and learning expound on world events and the mysteries of life.
Thursday, April 01, 2004
Diet for America!
Tired of the same old crap you're forced to swallow every day?
Then go on the No-CARB diet, and feel healthier as early as November 3rd!
No Cheney
No Ashcroft
No Rumsfeld
No Bush
Its that easy. You'll feel the sudden weight of despair lift off your shoulders immediately.
Wednesday, March 31, 2004
Conversation with the Bard
Good Sir William has answered us!
Alas, no sporting broom closet encounters.. Though we both wish it otherwise!
My dear friend and honorary nun Leila sent this interesting link to me in an email message, with the following lament:
"So for a few brief weeks earlier this month, the Bush/Cheney 04 website had a great little feature that allowed you to input your own slogan, and the site would mock up a Bush/Cheney sign with your words on it. Gotta love the Bush/Cheney campaign's step into the digital age.
Well of course, a few people had to go and ruin it for EVERYONE (myself included), but at least there are memories. . ."
I think you need Flash to play this.
Tuesday, March 30, 2004
Carry on..
Monday, March 29, 2004
"She's been everywhere but starbucks, why not go before the Commission and say it under oath?"
Let us count the days until Condi gives in and testifies..
Wow.. a whole day!
(Via the Washington Post)
Breaking News!
Rice To Testify Under Oath
The White House offered to have national security adviser Condoleezza Rice testify publicly under oath about the Sept. 11 attacks before the 9-11 commission, Tuesday.
The White House released a letter to the independent commission from legal counsel Alberto Gonzalez outlining the offer. It also said it would make President Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney available to speak before a joint private session of the full panel.
Both offers were on condition that they would not set a precedent under the constitutional separation of executive and legislative powers, an administration official said.
The offers follow bombshell allegations from former White House counter-terrorism czar Richard Clarke that Bush and his top aides ignored an urgent threat from al Qaeda in the months before the attacks on New York and Washington.
The 10-member bipartisan commission investigating the hijacked airliner attacks had unanimously requested that Rice testify publicly and under oath. Bush had previously insisted on meeting privately with only the chairman and vice chairman of the panel.
Up to now, White House lawyers have claimed executive privilege and refused to let Rice testify publicly based on a long-standing position that presidential advisers who have not been confirmed by the Senate cannot give public testimony.
Having spent a wonderful week visiting Andrea in a far off land, I am now back home and back at work. I library is still luverly as usual, and I am counting the days until I get a nice note from the school I applied to saying that they would love to have me.
In other news.. I would like to recommend a music group I met and listened to at the library,
The Troubadours of Divine Bliss. You can listen to bits of their music on the website!
Isn't it Rich
Because the Bush Tax Cut helped my family buy a new Acura Luxury Sedan, I've decided to join Billionaires For Bush. Its important to support the man who will help me with my dream of getting a Mercedes Benz for my 25th birthday.
Join with me, fellow trust fund brats, and secure our privilege for future generations!
Iris K. Bundle