The Labyrinth
If you find that you are bored, or nostalgic for a simpler, more David Bowie-filled time, you can read the novel based on the movie, "The Labyrinth" courtesy of Walter D. Pullen.
Interfaith Nunnery
Where ladies of culture and learning expound on world events and the mysteries of life.
Saturday, April 09, 2005
Friday, April 08, 2005
I'm busy patching in new links that I think are worthy and useful, but bear with the terrible disorder.. I know some of them don't make sense where I put them.
I really just wanted to tell you about a fantastic new read by M.T. Anderson called The Game of Sunken Places. Its a mix of fantasy, science fiction, mystery and nearly terrifying adventure that's good for kids from fourth or fifth grade on up. Anderson introduces lovely plot twists and gives readers a heart pumping, creepy ending, even though everything is okay.
In Storytime news, this week I read a story that is sadly out of print about a little wooly bear that meets other insects on its way along to becoming a tiger moth. It was pretty cute, and I encouraged the kids to make the insect noises with me. The Storylady acted out the story of The Very Lazy Ladybug using plush puppets, and that was a great hit, because she is so adept at making the puppets move in lively funny ways.