Gosh, where did February come from? I didn't think this semester could possibly be crazier than last semester, but of course I was proven wrong. Medical problems have made it difficult for me to find time to post, but I should at least up date once in a while.
In the happy news front, I have been having a wonderful time working at the library, and I should really post more about my experiences there. Minor successes like organizing the implementation of the art table and finding the perfect soft cloth tea set keep me happy, and my storytimes are something I just love to do. Its so rewarding to watch children and adults having a good time with something you put together yourself.
In the serious news front, I am becoming more involved in my class work. I have become more passionate about youth library issues and research, and I think I may do a PhD when I finish my masters.
I have go again, but I will try to post more in the future.
Interfaith Nunnery
Where ladies of culture and learning expound on world events and the mysteries of life.